Kiran Gangadharan

Every school should have library periods

Every school should have library periods

Uses This

Uses This

Revamp and Resume

Revamp and Resume

Exploring gokibitz for embedding Go games

Exploring gokibitz for embedding Go games

The Road to a Masterless Multinode Distributed System in Elixir

The Road to a Masterless Multinode Distributed System in Elixir

What I Love About Go/Baduk

What I Love About Go/Baduk

Stuff I did in 2016

Stuff I did in 2016

Setting up Org-mode to run Clojure code

Setting up Org-mode to run Clojure code

My eshell prompt setup

My eshell prompt setup

Creating a simple stack-based language in Clojure

Creating a simple stack-based language in Clojure